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Old 10-19-2016, 05:39 PM   #22 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 125

Now this is hard thing to it stands I have always listened to Devo even when I did not know it.

Devo was being played in a bunch of movies I have watched for so many years and I never knew they were there.

An early one would have been Heavy Metal as I saw this when I was 8...yes my dad knew...he was the one who rented the VHS and stuck it in my VCR leaving me and my best friend to witness it.

So here we have an animated Devo playing "through being cool" a fave track of mine nowadays yet I did not know it then.

Then there was a song I knew I did love, yet did not know who I would love for making it.
Tank Girl intro with Devo's "Girl U want"

I am not even 12 and I was already knowing I loved and wanted Devo without knowing it.


So the actual first time I listened to Devo knowing who they were was when an old webcomic I read joked about Devo a few time's. I was 16 and had no clue so I checked up on them and this is what I got.

Of Course I got Whip it....which I was not into...still not realy into it, yet I do like it...yet not love it.

I was not impressed I tried another song.
Yeaaaaah....the songs I was picking was not stellar I admit that, I do love the song nowadays, yet when this was my first meeting with Devo officially I was not into them. This was all through Kazaa so my choices were limited, youtube did not exist!

Fast forward 3 more years, I am 17 and in College (I left High school at 16, you can do that in the UK) and I was on youtube listenign to my most loved band ever! no it was not Devo. It was....Polysics....who is a japanese band HEAVILY inspired by Devo, I was going back and listening to the other bands influence P-Model a japanese electronic band of the 70's and Devo.

So with this music video being the catalyst (Boy did I never know how much Devo inspired them before getting into Devo and this video shows it)

and went "You know what? Why not give Devo another try...." I did.....and BOOM! I GOT TRUE DEVO!

Jocko Homo! Their first commercial song! As soon as that strange electronic klaxxon going I went "WHAT'S THIS!? I LIKE THIS! I LOVE THIS!......I LIKE WHAT I AM SEEING!" then the song hut...I adored it! I STILL DO! It may be my actual most favoured Devo song. The lyrics, the sound and the video all spoke me and it was saying "THIS IS YOU! YOU LIKE THIS!"

I was not ashamed by my love for Devo, I had constructed a jacket filled with badges....yes this was 2007 and I was dressing like a Mod/Rocker/Punk, which helped me as I did hang out with punks in college.

Big badges saying D.E.V.O, Devo T shirts. I was DEVO mad! Still are, own a ton of albums of theirs on CD and DVD shows as you do when you love a band.

Polysics my other most favoured band the story goes like this, 10 years ago...I am watching Adam and Joe interveiw some Japanese fans and have no clue what I was about to hear.

The small fat one doing the interviewing that is Adam Buxton, who does Radio and music review stuff in proper places, I say that as a preamble to show you this!

"James was also interviewed at BUG by Adam Buxton, who'd done his homework. Adam discovered that he has been known to respond to comments made about his videos on YouTube: his exchange for the Mystery Jets' Young Love vid with "Akyho" is a classic."

Shown at BUG 06: Noah & The Whale

Adam Buxton....the man who introduced ME! TO A TOP BAND OF MINES! Shouted at a MUSIC DIRECTOR about ME! WHICH IN TURN! Showed me my absolute top band ever...I lead a very strange life.
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