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Old 01-19-2006, 05:34 PM   #42 (permalink)
Bright F*cking Red
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Originally Posted by pdpeart
So the general consensus is because Green Day have matured in regards to their lyrical content and are more socially aware of todays climate they now 'suck?'

But they were good when just talking about getting 'wasted,' What The ****?
Personally I think Green Day are alright and to me MCR are an overated transparent gimmick, but hey that's just my opinion.

It seems to me there is a trend on the Punk/Emo site to hate all that starts to sell records thus becoming more mainstream(even if their sound and image hasn't changed that much to when they were underground darlings).
not necesarily that....but their lyrics now, just seem so cliche and overdone. and overplayed for that matter. sure, maybe their lyrical content has become more mature, but theyve taken on a completely new image which is somewhat...annoying. when they were writing about getting wasted, at least their songs were somewhat more original. the songs like "welcome to paradise", just seemed more like they were telling some sort of story whereas songs like "american idiot" seem to just be them latching on to the "we're so punk rock...f*ck the government" motion.
How'd I end up here to begin with? I don't know.
Why do I start what I can't finish?
Oh please, don't barrage me with questions to all those ugly answers.
My ego's like my stomach- it keeps shitting what I feed it.
But maybe I don't want to finish anything anymore..
maybe I can wait in bed 'til she comes home. and whispers....

Originally Posted by Shooting Star
Remember kids: It's only real metal if the vocalist sounds like he's vomiting up a fetus. \m/
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