Originally Posted by innerspaceboy
No worries! And yes - I was poking fun at myself there!
But all jokes aside, I am a big fan of the MBTI. Amusingly, when the subject surfaced in a community last night and I self-identified as an INTJ, a witty friend retorted, "A true INTJ would discredit the Myers-Briggs and at the same time validate it by doing so."
I thought the hipster meme was fantastically appropriate at that juncture.
And as this is MB, I'll offer a similar meme befitting of our group -

Hi, innerspaceboy - I just want to thank you for being so kind in response to my absolutely ridiculous hissy fit. Your self-effacing and non-malicious post of the hipster meme went right over my oversensitive and dense head. But thank you again for being so understanding - I still feel very bad (as I should) about what I did.
By the way, I just want to take this opportunity to say that I think you are amazingly intelligent and gifted - and I believe that you are largely self-taught. I highly respect that, and think you should be very proud of yourself.
Thanks for sharing the albums meme! I see that the album assigned to your personality type, INTJ, is Swans'
Soundtrack For The Blind. Swans is a band I've always heard a lot about, but I've never managed to check them out.
Soundtrack For The Blind will be my next listen.