Originally Posted by PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe
personally, i dont like or dislike either one. old green day is still tolerable, but their newest releases have sucked. theyve taken on too much of a political standpoint to their music, when "dookie" for example, was filled with songs about getting stoned or wasted, or stuff like that. the attitude they have now is quite annoying.
So the general consensus is because Green Day have matured in regards to their lyrical content and are more socially aware of todays climate they now 'suck?'
But they were good when just talking about getting 'wasted,' What The ****?
Personally I think Green Day are alright and to me MCR are an overated transparent gimmick, but hey that's just my opinion.
It seems to me there is a trend on the Punk/Emo site to hate all that starts to sell records thus becoming more mainstream(even if their sound and image hasn't changed that much to when they were underground darlings).