Originally Posted by BlackMalachite
The size for the game is literally over 3 GB, which is over double X and Y's size at least. This game's gonna be crammed full of good content.
It's going to be crammed full of content but I don't know about the good part. There are a **** ton of mini games and things like that. I keep seeing and that's most likely the bulk of the extra content that dwarfed the size to be over 3GB.
For my favorites from each Gen:
Gen 1: Bulbasaur Evolution Line.
Gen 2: Cyndaquil Evolution Line.
Gen 3: Torchic Evolution Line.
Gen 4: Chimchar Evolution Line. This is the only evolution I didn't get around to playing but if I did. I would pick Chimchar since I love monkey related Pokemon
Gen 5: Snivy Evolution Line.
Gen 6: Froakie Evolution Line.
Gen 7: Popplio Evolution Line (So Far)
Originally Posted by Qwertyy
I don't think there's been a bad gen of Pokemon yet. The only thing that dictates which gen you prefer is nostalgia, honestly.
Not really. Gen 1 is horrible bro. I started in Gen 1 with Pokemon Blue and without having a good IV/EV system it was pretty bad in hindsight.