I respect the Nobel Prizes for science, because that's where they started out, didn't they? Plus, I know nothing about the people selected or their field, which facilitates uncritical acceptance of their selection.
As for literature, I think any prize for writing has to be taken with a big pinch of salt and there's always a case for saying that other candidates are more deserving; if only we could measure literary merit the way we measure the Men's 500 Metres in the Olympics. Until then, I don't take it too seriously but still say, "Well done, Bob!" After all, some of his lyrics are wonderful and if I have time I might go on a quotation binge later to "prove" it.
In the meantime, here's another report on the news, and our very own Dylan thread for people who'd like to read more:
Bob Dylan wins Nobel Prize for Literature - BBC News
( Talking of reading more, of the six alternative authors put forward by Frownland and grindy, I have only heard of three and only read a book by one of them.

PS: I was going to say "Welcome" to Farewell, but then I saw that he/she joined MB in 2009. With only 200 posts to your credit, it's time to step up your game, man!