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Old 10-12-2016, 12:00 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Whether or not we killed it is irrelevant, unless you have some wishy washy notion of karma or whatever. Just because something went extinct due to non-human environmental factors doesn't mean that A.) it should stay dead just cause, or that B.) it couldn't thrive under a different environment (which would make its original extinction a moot point).

The issue is more along the lines of the meat industry: is it okay to breed organisms specifically for our own purposes, regardless of whether or not it benefits or harms that organism?


If we're already breeding chickens by the millions and treating them like ass then does it make sense to create a double standard when playing god? Not a true answer to the question, but **** it.
I believe it's a completely relevant point, considering a major argument by a lot of people against de-extinction is "well nature made it die for a reason." We're not nature, we've evolved to a point where we control ecosystems instead of participating in them.

Frankly it's because the animal being brought back from the dead is of more scientific importance than the average farm chicken. While I think it's disgusting how a lot of farm animals are treated (some of the footage I've seen is absolutely disgusting), it still doesn't change the fact that the two in terms of stature and population are fundamentally different and not subject to that double standard.
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