Music Banter - View Single Post - Kiiii's List of 50 Post-Rock Albums You Need To Hear Right Now
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Old 10-11-2016, 02:15 PM   #3 (permalink)
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50. I Hear Sirens: Beyond The Sea, Beneath The Sky

If you took a look at my page, you'd see why this album will be the first entry in this thread. If you don't feel like looking, I'll provide an image:

Not only is Beyond The Sea, Beneath The Sky becoming one of my top 5 / go to post-rock albums, it's also becoming a daily listen, and sometimes even more so. Whenever I wake up in the morning now, I get a cup of coffee, and I put this album on. For one reason or another, it seems to get me started on the right foot, and allows me to put all my concentration on the work that I'd like to get done in that day.

Every track is wonderfully orchestrated creating an entire album that is truly a post-rock masterpiece. Keep in mind, I use masterpiece as a light term as I know it's not a legitimate masterpiece, but it fills the void whenever I have no idea what to listen to at any given time. It's spans across more than post-rock and easily allows for a full listen each time. Point being, I've never listened to this album not in its entirety.

I Hear Sirens don't have a lot of albums to their name, but the albums they do have are concrete evidence that they know exactly what they're doing, and they know exactly what they hope to accomplish through their music.
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