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Old 10-09-2016, 09:20 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by _Violet_ View Post
Seriously though, Batty isn't messing around. I tried my hardest to argue that Superman could pummel Batman's ass any day, every day. Didn't even get close to convincing him, he simply believes a smart trained mere human can defeat a damn god. It's just major BS. Makes for great storytelling, but come on man, it's Superman.

A dude who can go toe to toe with the likes of Hulk and Thor. You'd need to call the Avengers or the Justice League as a whole to take him down without kryptonite. Batman on his own, no ****ing chance. I don't care what they've used to justify it in the comics.

And no, morals is irrelevant with the point I'm trying to make. When somebody CAN quickly and swiftly say "**** your morals", being smart or one step ahead makes no difference. You're staring at a superhuman that can superhuman the **** out of you if he wanted to. You're measly intelligence and fancy gadgets mean nothing. Batman is the guy who has a gun pointed at you. That's it. Take that gun away and he can't even match Superman.
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