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Old 10-07-2016, 01:56 PM   #17725 (permalink)
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Do you have a starting point for that? I started it and I see what you're saying, but we might be experiencing two very different things.

Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Oh, nice. What are some of the most intense harsh noise/wall noise albums that are actually good?
Well, I don't call Metal Machine Music a masterpiece for no reason. I think that you in particular would love White Suns. Ultra aggressive and chaotic noise rock madness.

Keiji Haino is the man of course. He has a super massive discography that spans 200 times the genres and instruments that I can even name. Good albums to check out by him as far as noise goes, Milky Way, I Said, This Is the Son of Nihilism and Watashe Dake (the live tracks at the end of the album, especially the 30 minute one. It's goddamned incredible). He's been a huge inspiration on me.

Power electronics are really awesome for intense noise music. It stereotypically uses Nazi aesthetics and **** so you'd probably love researching the genre. Even though they're very different, Maurizio Bianchi is right up there with Whitehouse as one of the baddest mother****ers of the genre (in a good way).

Here's a list of other great noise albums
Pharmakon Bestial Burden
Borbetomagus - Barbed Wire Maggots
Masonna - Ejaculation Generator
Prurient - Unknown Rains
Hanatarash - Hanatarash 3
Incapacitants - Default Standard
The Gerogerigegege - Instruments Disorder
Wolf Eyes - Burned Mind

Mondo has a lot of great noise under his Trouble Salad and Indentured Servant monikers too. There's a lot of noisy Jesus the Carpenter as well.
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