To me, the Witcher takes it all. Technically released back in may 2015, it's final and biggest expansion was released in may 2016, so imo it qualifies. That and the multitude of patches it has received - playing the game on 1.04 and 1.22 was significantly different - not only did they listen to the community and fix about every thing they had a problem with, they also did some great optimization work - initially I played the game on "low" in 1680 × 1050 and it ran ok. Now I run it on med in 1920 × 1200 and it runs a lot smoother than before, while looking a lot better. Best experience overall, the game did what "The Wire" once did - it broke the genre. Just as I can't watch any cop shows now without feeling they are silly, similarly I fear there won't be a better rpg for a long while. I'm currently in the middle of my 3rd playthrough and I still find it fun, challenging and keep finding new quests and locations, which maybe shouldn't be surprising since the game is so huge.
As for your list - Rise of the Tomb Raider was awesome, XCOM 2 was surprisingly good and fresh after XCOM 1, The Division was deeply flawed (still is, though they are trying to fix it) but I had a great time playing with a friend. I have yet to play any of the rest.