Music Banter - View Single Post - The Rolling Stones vs. The Beatles
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Old 01-17-2006, 11:34 PM   #1 (permalink)
Music Man
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Join Date: Nov 2005
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Posts: 202

Originally Posted by PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe
i dont remember stating my personal opinion on this. i wasnt telling you to shut up and accept MY views, all i was saying is that you are trying to prove a point with fact when the threads question is "WHICH DO YOU THINK IS BETTER AND WHY?" not "WHICH ONE IS BETTER, AND PROVIDE FACTUAL PROOF"

im not being a hypocrite. i never once state who i thought was better. i was using examples to show that you were pushing your "facts" on people in a thread that is meant for people to express their opinions. and that your "factual" posts were completely based on opinion. its called BIAS, and is a part of human nature. deal with it.
Yes, you are a hypocrite. And you're just as biased as some others on this board. Your semantic games and denials won't work with me.

You clearly told me to "shut up and accept other people's views". You obviously need to follow your own advice.

I presented NUMEROUS DEMONSTRABLE FACTS. You are the one who has presented only opinions.

And unlike you, I NEVER told anybody to "shut up" if they didn't agree with me. People who disagree with me are certainly entitled to their opinions, and to express them here--I've never even SUGGESTED that they didn't have that right.

Yet you're getting all holy and self-righteous, demanding that I "shut up and accept other peoples views". You preach tolerance of other peoples views--as long as they're in line with yours! But you're intolerant of mine.
"Paranoid is just like an anchor. It really secures everything about the metal movement in one record. It's all there: the riffs, the vocal performance of Ozzy, the song titles, what the lyrics are about. It's just a classic defining moment."

--Rob Halford of Judas Priest
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