I've seen that Crash by accident. I was hoping it was the other one and I popped that one in going wtf the whole time.
Originally Posted by Exo
If you can explain to me why you think Crash is a BEST PICTURE winning film, please, please do so, because I just don't see it.
I'm not even trying to compare it to Brokeback Mountain. I just don't see how that film did anything different. It was cookie cutter "RACISM IS BAD" in every scene. The acting was great in moments, especially from Dillon and Pena, but my god the actual structure of the film was like the most forced shove it down your throat theme I've ever seen.
Out of all the films that year it actually evoked strong feelings from me after watching it. I'm sure it did the same thing for the members that voted for it. It might have seemed like Racism by numbers to you but I f
ucking loved it. I loved it so much that I thought the tv series could capture the same magic in the bottle that the movie did and boy was I wrong.
I still watched the tv series until it was cancelled but by no stretch of the imagination was it even comparable to the movie. Dennis Hopper couldn't even save it and he gave some great performances throughout the seasons.