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Thread: First Gig
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Old 09-16-2016, 05:20 AM   #2 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 1,366

Well, my first concert (Not too long ago) was me filling in for my sister at the North Sea Jazz festival. She was supposes to go with my dad, but as she coulrn't I ended up goin instead. Was fun, despite not being my kinda music. Saw 3 artists, was disapppinted the reggae one wasn't as awesome on record as live :'(.

Second one was a friend who knew the people who hosted a place, so we went to see some obscure Dutch Indie rock bands for free in some small place. Two were pretty fun, one was boring, but it was all so loud my ears felt like **** after and I probably got permanent hearing damage. So next time I took earplugs.

But what I consider my first real concert (As it's actually something I chose to want to go to myself for the band and not just happened to tag along) was pretty recent, a few months ago I guess? A friend asked me to go to Bad Religion with him in The Melkweg in Amsterdam. It was ****in' awesome, even if I'm not as huge into Bad Religion as that friend. I'm way more into Punk than him though, so a good punk band is awesome either way. Everyone (including me) went bat**** insane when they said they were about to play Generator, I guess it's not just my favourite, haha.

The embarrassing thing for me is that it took 19 years for me to go to a punk concert, and 18 to any other.
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