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Old 01-17-2006, 09:18 AM   #3 (permalink)
"Your mom?"
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Hell...
Posts: 507

NameCannibal Corpse

Genre Death Metal

It has been 11 years since a small band out of Buffalo, New York released their gorified Metal Blade Records debut EATEN BACK TO LIFE, and in their decade+ existence, CANNIBAL CORPSE have accomplished much more than getting their music and concerts banned. CANNIBAL CORPSE have been repeatedly targeted by the morality police (Gore, PMRC, Lieberman, Dole), appeared in a blockbuster Hollywood feature film (Ace Venture: Pet Detective), debuted as the only Death Metal band to rank on the Billboard Top 200 Album chart, graced the covers of virtually every Metal magazine in the world, toured the globe routinely and sold millions of records. All of this with zero commercial radio airplay and no exposure from MTV, save the periodic obligatory controversial news segment. On February 26th, 2002, GORE OBSESSED, the band's eighth full-length studio album, will redefine the Death Metal genre and reign as CANNIBAL CORPSE's most accomplished and scrutinized recording to date. While not infringing on their trademark sound, CANNIBAL CORPSE and multi-platinum first time CORPSE producer NEIL KERNON (Queensryche, Nevermore, Skrew, Macabre and many more) focused on technically powerful guitars and unmatched bass & drum syncopation that will leave the current crop of corporate makeup metallers slack jawed. "Pit Of Zombies" rips with alternating tempos and time changes that never leaves the listener behind, but drags them screaming into the pit. "Mutilation Of The Cadaver" is another prime chunk of meat that sees vocalist George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher easily spewing forth his finest vocal fury on record (including an unnerving fourteen second scream).

Eight albums in and CANNIBAL CORPSE have never defied their core fan base, continually strengthening their place as the most enduring, relevant and uncompromising Death Metal band ever. With GORE OBSESSED introducing future classics "Sanded Faceless", "Hung And Bled", "When Death Replaces Life" and "Dormant Bodies Bursting", CANNIBAL CORPSE have buried any and all possibility of being dethroned as the reigning purveyors of aural gore and sonic splatter. Sure to once again peek the interest of those who feel it their responsibility to protect the moral fiber of America's youth culture, CANNIBAL CORPSE again turned to long time friend and artist VINCENT LOCK to create a visual representation of GORE OBSESSED that could match the band's musical depiction. Having set a high standard with album covers for BUTCHERED AT BIRTH and TOMB OF THE MUTILATED, LOCKE, as expected, delivered the gore, and more. The CD cover for GORE OBSESSED will be masked for retail outlets as no "censored" cover will be available domestically. Upon the release of GORE OBSESSED, CANNIBAL CORPSE will headline the 2002 SPRING NECK BREAK U.S. Tour, which, in its second year will once again feature the top extreme Metal bands in the world.

Taken from


George Fisher: Vocals

Pat O'Brien: Guitar

Alex Webster: Bass

Paul Mazurkiewicz: Drums
Wieder lieg ich auf der lauerDenn wir spielen unser spiel. Wieder wart ich an der mauer. Wieder steh ich kurz vorm ziel

I dont like Prince Phillip because he's a racist.I also dont like the Queen because she's that leaves me in a funny situation

Originally Posted by dirt mcgirt View Post
this pole about famouz peds only son. urban hatmonger gotta get his work reconized, gotta make a name fo hisself. naamean?
Originally Posted by littleknowitall View Post
ad anyone wanting rampant sex with a hairy horny welshman may feel free to take me up on that one :D
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