Originally Posted by Black Francis
That's not how it works! Civil war was entertaining even when they weren't fighting. It can't be just all about the big CGI fights. Plus, I already know that whoever is equipped with kryptonite against Superman is likely gonna beat him. I'm still gonna finish it tho, if anything Im looking forward to see how many face palms it will get outta me.
I'll share my take on the killing joke too. I'm already expecting it to better than BvS.
I'm not talking about standing up for the movie as a whole entity. I'm telling you the fun part is just the big CGI fights and that's all there is to BvS. The build up in that movie is lame where as the build up to the airport scene in Civil War was entertaining along the way. Just watch the fight , it isn't about knowing how it will turn out. It is about actually seeing the fight happen. Just chillax and enjoy a good fight scene alright? take the movie reviewer stick out of your proverbial butt and just enjoy yourself with a superhero fight instead of expecting cinematic gold.