Music Banter - View Single Post - New Metallica album coming out November 18, 2016 -- Hardwired..To Self-Destruct
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Old 09-05-2016, 07:34 AM   #130 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
With a bit of editing those could actually be top shelf Metallica. If they'd had more restraint that album probably would have done a lot better and they wouldn't have felt the need to backtrack and make boring mediocrity like Death Magnetic.
I edited one of the songs off the album in Audacity some years ago, boosting the bass, shaving off redundant parts. There really is a good album hidden in there. These songs sound heavier and more menacing than I remember too. Hardwired is a domesticated lapdog in comparison.

I don't know what they actually had in their heads when they made Death Magnetic, but I always felt it was an apology album. A way of meeting their fans halfway, which is probably why it's so bland.
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