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Old 08-31-2016, 08:42 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Rare Species

Stylistically, it feels somewhat like the previous album, but the production style is way clearer and sounds more like a normal rock album. There are also fewer electronic and metal elements on this album. Generally, I like this album. It sort of seems like a slightly less successful attempt at doing what the band did with Big Bang, but the songs are mostly good, so of course it's worth getting. One Day is a great song and the genre mashup medley No Limit - Your Funky Rhythm - Symphony Of Destruction is quite entertaining.

Blood Sample

This album is parted into two segments. The first half seems to explore a variety of late 90's musical sub-styles, mostly tending towards stuff that feel like modern metal and rock stylings of that time. The second part of the album is a bit more inconsistent and covers a lot of ground, including a Beatles cover and a bit of pretty odd sounding grindcore. Stand out tracks include Helsinki, Digging Inside and Aching Eyes.

Release Date
***Favourite album***

Starts off catchy as hell, then it gets really damn weird, then it gets catchy again, and then it closes off with some euro-techno-traditional-folk-singing-something... What's not to like? I want to say that the entire album is my favourite, but if pressed to narrow it down, I'd mention Get Stamped and Wish I could Heal as standout tracks. Let's Puke Together is pretty cool too and has some pretty amusing lyrics.

The 2nd Decade - In the Cradle

A compilation covering the second decade of the bands output. A lot easier to find than the first compilation, but a lot less essential. Most of the tracks here are available on regular studio albums, but we do get a pretty nice acoustic version of the song Dream.

Below Zero
***Favourite album***

Very modern sounding, some elements of industrial, more leaning towards metal than most of their albums. This album is significantly less all-over-the-place than their other albums in terms of style, but all the songs are very memorable once you get it under your skin despite how it seems sort of one-note at first (for this band's standards, that is). I must have listened to this album a pretty huge number of times!

Covers All

A somewhat non-great cover album. At least the cover of the Midnight Oil song Dead Heart is quite awesome. The weird and unexpected song choices is the only thing that really makes this cover album special, though.

You Are
***Favourite album***

This album sees the return of almost every previous member of Waltari for a pretty epic collaborative album. It's one of the more metal oriented Waltari albums for sure. The songs have a modern sound, incredibly catchy hooks, riffs and solos and I'm just all round sold on this disc. Like with any Waltari album, there's a few really odd tracks, but I'm loving it despite a questionable inclusion or two. Favourite tracks include Keep it Alive, Not Much to Touch You and Solutions.

Last edited by MicShazam; 08-31-2016 at 08:58 AM.
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