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Thread: Johnny Dowd.
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Old 08-28-2016, 09:26 PM   #11 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio
Posts: 537

Yes, this thread has been dormant a very long time. But Johnny Dowd's music merits this revival. If anyone has heard Dowd's earlier albums mentioned in this thread but nothing since, the great news is that he has continued to progress musically. Don't believe any of this "Americana" nonsense with respect to his more recent albums. That's just a cliché used by well meaning but misguided music writers. The folk and country influences have vanished without a trace. Check out A Drunkard's Masterpiece (concept album that turns the "concept album" on its head), No Regrets (song titles are women's first names), Do The Gargon (ZZ Top after being force fed acid and forced to listen to nothing but psychedelica and indie rock for two weeks), and, especially, last year's That's Your Wife On The Back Of My Horse, a widely varying tour de force that shows that Dowd, at age 68, remains a vital musical force when other musicians his age have long since retired, died, or play the same old songs over and over on the bar/nostalgia circuit.

Dowd has a new album called Execute American Folklore--love the double meaning-- that will be out shortly. Can't wait for my preordered copy to arrive.

Last edited by Drjohnrock; 08-29-2016 at 07:15 AM.
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