Originally Posted by half_baked87
^... that sounds like an epic physco obsession and a plea for hypothermia, but thats coming from a ontarian
nah, hypothermia is prevented with good gear, it's the frostbite you have to watch out for. Some of my best days have been in about -25 to -30 celcius weather. rediculously good snow, and the vast majority of people think it's too cold to go out, so me and my friends and a few others would pretty much have the mountain to ourselves. Problem is, we're all poor ski bums, and can't afford the fancy balaclava face mask things that prevent frostbite. So in true ghetto-ski-bum fashion, we masked our faces with duct tape, leaving the lips open just enough to breathe through, and skied rediculously epic snow all day. Hurt like a b*tch getting it off, but hey, it was WELL worth it.