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Old 01-15-2006, 07:56 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default get to know your fellow MuBa's

that's right, MuBa's *god that was lame*, well after learning that riseagainst didn't know AITA's name, i wondered how much we actually know about each other so i thought this could be a combo of all the various " what's your name, how old are you and what you do" threads:

my real name is Marijan , i'm 23 (and haven't touched the stuff in 36 days....*silence*...........*crickets* .....ooookeeeyy, tough crowd...)and male.

i come from Croatia, where is it? buy a fucking map!
i'm a student, law school, don't perticularly like it, but have nothing better to do.

i live in a town called Rijeka. i moved here when i was 14 to go to highschool since there were no good hischools on my island.

i am from a little village called Novalja on an island in the Adriatic called Pag

i live in a two story flat all by meself. i don't work because in Croatia, students only work if they have to, and i don't have to. My family owns a couple of hardware stores and a store for building material so i'm not poor, but not rich either.

that is all.....i may wish to delete this thread in the morning....
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