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Old 08-14-2016, 12:16 AM   #94 (permalink)
Jacob Sartorius
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Originally Posted by elphenor View Post
The vast majority of punk is obscure
The vast majority of bands in almost every genre are obscure.

Punk was being used to describe American bands well before the UK scene
(All you have to do is run a Google search to find this out like good god guys)
No one is arguing against this. Punk Rock and it's attitude has to have roots somewhere. It doesn't just pop up out of nowhere.

And there's no evidence to suggest that Sex Pistols made Ramones and Television more popular than they were
Point is?

We better tell all the Crustpunks to pack it up and go home seeing as William has declared punk already dead.
Punk is dead. It's Alive in small pockets, like every music scene, but mostly dead.
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