Giant ogre, about 6 feet tall. The ogre looks Hobo in the face, grunting loudly.
"Who are you?" It growls.
"I'm Hobojesus." Hobo says, not scared in the slightest. They had a creature like this where he used to live. The neighbours called him Alexisonfire.
"Well Hobojesus." The ogre grinned. "what are you doing here?" Hobo pointed behind the ogre. "I want to make my way to the bottom of here, to meet with the Dark Master Ninja either/or. He will teach me the ways of the ninja, so that I can be like FenixPunk."
The ogre nods.
"I know either/or." He said. "He is my master."
Hobo looked suprised.
"Really? Can you take me to him?" Hobo asked.
"Of course..." Said the Ogre. "But first I need you to help me out."
Hobo sighed.
"With what?" He asked.
"Well, My house is just across this stream. And I have been having a problem with an infestation of rats."
"And what do you want me to do about it?" Hobo asked impatiently.
"I was wondering whether you could ask FenixPunk to use his Ninja powers to kill them all. Either/or won't do it because he is too busy, and I am to frightened of the furry fellas."
Hobo sighed, continuing back up to the Tower of Fal to get Fenix. He found Fenix eating some of the endless cup of soups, brought him back down to the Ogre's house and told him what was wrong. Fenix turned his hands into ak47s once more and killed all the pesky critters.
"Thankyou so much!" Said the ogre. "Now I will show you to either/or!"
The ogre lead them both to Lake Crystal, where a small, orange man was drinking some of the water.
"this is either/or?" Hobo asked.
"NO!" Bellowed the Ogre. "That is not either/or, that is...