Originally Posted by OccultHawk
If it weren't for the Japanese we were prepared to do just that. We might have even sided with Hitler.
I've read a couple books about the Rwanda thing. We didn't start that one and there wasn't **** we could do about it. Belgium started that **** if I remember correctly and then the Africans just carried on endlessly like absolute savage morons. I wasn't willing to die over it so I'm not about to ask some other American to.
From what I understand the Belgians were just one of the biggest troop contributors to UNAMIR, which was basically the useless UN task force set to do something or other in Rwanda, but whose mandate to fire only if fired upon basically left them neutered, and therefore left the UN a joke force in the region.
I know America was not responsible for Rwanda, but seriously, if as a race we can let that **** go down, then what the **** is the point?