Its 4:30 in the morning here, so I can't be expected to remember everyones name and write something coherent and nice (im only human damn you) but I will say nice things about MB, and then come back tomorrow around 1400 and pay tribute to those I've put up with for some time now:
Music Banter, has some things we could certainly improve on, but on the whole this a community that does alot for those that are apart of it. I've seen people come in here with one band they want to shove down our throats, with no knowledge of other bands or perhaps limited at best, and i can think of three off the top of my head who came in here borderline retarted and green and have become intelligent, respectful and insightful posters. If I ever asked one thing of MB, it would be jsut that, giving people the insight to discover great music for what it is and not be stuck in the rut that is people telling them what to like.
The music industry is an ugly place free of risks and longshots. Places like MB have gone along way in telling the music industry to go **** itself.I couldn't be more proud to be apart of it. I fight with alot of people here, I will continue to fight because I honestly feel that alot of **** that goes on here sucks, but when I read the comments about myself, I was honestly proud. You say what you want about how pathetic I am for allowing an internet web site to cause emotional reaction in me, but I love music, I'll die loving music, and if I can share what I have spent my life immersed in with people, then I really feel like im at least giving something of myself.
To MusicBanter i'll say this, remember where you came from, we were all less intelligent and less knowledgeble (sp? it's 4:30 sutff it) when we showed up here. The newbs shouldn't be allowed to get away with stuff, but remember that there is potential there. We lost Kasmir, you can't help them all but we tried. But to Sabrinah and CrazyLuv and all the other new ones that are yet to come, stick it out, because you have alot to gain here.
Im pretty sure I'm going waaaay to long so I'll cut off here midtought, that and my ****ing eyes are starting to burn from being up to late. Until next time MB, [insert musical adage] oh and Urban, another great thread man.