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Old 08-01-2016, 03:11 PM   #5 (permalink)
The Batlord
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Originally Posted by 1blankmind View Post
Rwanda was a tragedy. But it's not the US job to take care of other countries. If the country wants us to intervene, and the situation at home isnt to ****ed up I'm not against it. But that said, the UN's job is to keep peace. Something like this happens and they do nothing I find disgusting. The Rwanda genocide was the UN's job and they ****ed it up. Plus, correct me if I'm wrong, what happened in Somalia is the US fault. Not the UN. The UN is a waste of space that needs to be dismantled and rebuilt as something that actually gets work done and doesn't get so caught up in all the beaucratic horse manure.
I'd vaguely agree in general, but within a week, or two weeks, or a month, or whatever, nearly one million people died. The Rwandan refugee camps that exist today are filled with Hutu (the people massacred were the Tutsi) running from the Tutsi afraid of their reprisal, because the Tutsi were basically murdered to a man except in provinces controlled by the rebel group of the Tutsi. Within weeks, the Tutsi living in the places that were being massacred were basically all dead. All of them. The genocide was basically successful. 80% of the Tutsi in Rwanda were massacred. Straight up.

The Rwandan genocide made the Holocaust look civilised, and nobody would ever say that we should have let the Nazis murder all the Jews (and the Rwandan genocide was statistically five times as murderous as the Holocaust). So, UN or American or whatever, how can pragmatism be justified if we are to consider ourselves human beings?

And I'm not even going into the organized rape squads that left virtually every single female Tutsi survivor, almost literally every single goddamn one, a victim of rape, and the AIDS epidemic that resulted (the Hutus actually organized "rape squads" of HIV positive men to rape Tutsi women in order to poison their gene pool) was just like... holy ****.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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