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Old 01-14-2006, 11:14 PM   #2 (permalink)
Fish in the percolator!
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Originally Posted by From Cosmic Left Feild...
Sharon isn't bad for slamming Iron Maiden, because like them or not, those guys are jackasses.

But she ****s alot of good musicians out of things for money, The up front on Ozzfest, the previously mentioned rhytham section on the rerecorded Blizz album. She's rather obnoxious.

Ozzy is one of the better rock men ever, like him or not, he deserves the respect of most rock fans.
They're not jackasses. In fact, even she only thinks Bruce is a jackass - not the other ones. But Bruce isn't a jackass. He said the Osbournes is a crap show. Well, yes it is - everyone knows that, get over it. Supposedly, he mentioned something about Ozzy. Well Bruce respects Ozzy, so I doubt it. Either way, it's fair enough to criticise Ozzy. He was once the father of metal. Now he is in a crappy reality show and he can't even remember the words to his own songs when he performs them in front of the world. Of course I respect Ozzy, but it's about time he called it quits.

And the stupid hag threw a hissy when Bruce waved the British flag around whenever, as well as during during Aces High. They have waved that flag during Aces High for decades. It's not as if it's something new. The song is *about* war - the flag is there for a reason. What, did she think Bruce was being racist against everyone who wasn't British? Stupid hag.

Anyway, how dare she orchestrate an attack against a metal god like Bruce D1ckinson. He is a mindblowing singer, frontman, Olympics level fencer, author and pilot. And she is a senile hag who leeches off Ozzy Osbourne. How can she have the nerve to throw eggs at him (or any musician for that matter)? It will always be remembered as a sad day in metal history. All because of a stupid immature cow called Sharon. Metal shouldn't have to be associated with failures like her.
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