Music Banter - View Single Post - Demographics
Thread: Demographics
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Old 01-14-2006, 08:15 PM   #177 (permalink)
Account Disabled
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 303

1. How did you come across MusicBanter?

2. What section is most interesting to you? (e.g. Rap/Hip-Hop, Rock, etc.)

3. How often do you visit here?

4. What's your current age?

5. Male or female?

6. Give us some random fact about yourself

1-i found it while looking for something else on appleseed cast on

2-emo and hardcore, rock and metal fourms

3-everysingle day and never leave this is where i live

4-i am almost 19.. so i guess that measn 18

5-i am female

6-i can't spell nor do i care if people notice and poke fun! ps. i don't try to spell either.. far to lazy!
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