Originally Posted by Mondo Bungle
It's definitely a lot better, and probably top of the line for stimulants at least in my opinion. Coke has such short effects that you keep doing/buying more and more every second because your tolerance is building at the same time and next thing you know your hearts exploding. And what little experience I have, I'd say meth feels like a lot of other prescription amphetamines that are totally right on and fine and dandy to use because the government said so, but with a greater feeling of euphoria. It can also last way, way too long (days) and leave you in a state of psychotic insomnia probably wanting more meth. MDMA can do that too, sure, but it's cooler feeling and society likes it more.
Usually when I do MDMA it's incredible, for sure, but by the time I've fully come down I'm ready to sleep. It may be difficult to sleep but I'm not compelled to keep going. It's late, the party is over, time to go to bed. I've never felt the desire of wanting more and more. Although I did go through a period where I was doing ecstasy at least once a week for a month or two.