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Thread: Rap In Spanish
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Old 01-14-2006, 07:02 PM   #24 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 96

Originally Posted by el.mas.chingon
yeah "good one", u speak like you actually saw him firsthand molest a lil girl when you dont know **** n judge a man because the law says 'he did this', fact is he never admitted anything as u so claim, n he and his family already expressed the betrayal they endured by people very close to them. so yeah, you should just drop it since you believe everything u hear from the media fukn gullible simp. bet you voted for bush. maybe u should check ur butthole for tech's dikk, lmao n u still accept it willingly. mature adidas?, this from one who believes in 'god', lmao, do you even know our justice system [guilty till proven innocent]? i bet cas hasnt even had a handcuff on him, the day you do for something you had no part of you'll understand little boy. its too common guys need a dna test nowadays just to get them off a life sentence sparked by bumbling idiotic lawmen throwing blame right n left. whatever, being ignorant is your choice
Facts are facts lil’ homie. The guy has a child with the 13 year old. You can’t dispute that. It baffles me how you continue to be so naïve. Must be the glue… And just a suggestion, but maybe you should lay off the politics until you learn to hold your own on less complex subjects. Baby steps ya’ know.
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