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Old 07-19-2016, 08:50 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
I stumbled across a gold mine of cars earlier this morning. I guess there is supposedly a car meet up every Sunday morning in the parking lot where I go to the gym. So I took tons of pictures even though I had no idea what I was really looking at. I love cars even though I'm not really a gear head and I'm just getting into them. It's the reason that I keep up with this awesome journal.

Honestly, I bought my first car back in March. It was a 99 Honda Accord and two weeks ago. I upgraded to a 2016 Honda Accord Touring model. I'm really starting to enjoy cars more and more even with my limited knowledge of them.

I will post the pics that I took a little bit later tonight or maybe tomorrow when I'm not so busy if you don't mind me doing so that is.

Maybe you can identify them.
A 2016 Honda Accord, wow! Good for you, don't let the payments kill you and keep the miles down in case you want to flip it.

You might want to sort out those pics, and wait until I get to whichever car company I do next. I think I mentioned that after North America I'm going to hop over to Asia, and will be taking a close look at the Honda's for myself.
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