Originally Posted by The Batlord
And this is why I take the Sex Pistols over the Clash. The Clash are as close to being objectively a better band as you can get, but for the most part I don't have to deal with all the bull**** politics. And when I do, I can usually just pass it off as amusingly childish trolling ("God Save the Queen" or "Bodies"), or the song kinda sucks anyway so who cares ("Holiday in the Sun").
I hear you, The Clash doesn't bother me too much though, they just have that whole liberal "feed the world" Bono thing going on.
I get annoyed with the whole anti capitalist "the United States is the root of all evil" message, and needs to be replaced. Replaced with what? The guys in Anti Flag couldn't run a popsicle stand let alone a business, if they ever got into power, we'd have an economic meltdown.
Speaking of The Clash that reminds me to do another album review.