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Old 07-02-2016, 10:04 AM   #2 (permalink)
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The Dodge Viper!

Dodge`s answer to creating a blue collar supercar that could rival the Corvette. Released in 1992 the Dodge Viper soon became a fan favourite of motorists for its sleak cool looking style.

The Good:

With a V10 engine and 645 hp, the Viper can do zero to 60mph in 3.4 seconds, but there is more! In the past the Viper like other American muscle cars got the knock for poor suspension and not being able to handle well on the road, but not this time, as the 2016 Viper ACR has been consecutively breaking the track records of far more expensive cars!

Dodge Viper ACR Sets Lap Records at 13 Racetracks

So for a fraction of the price, you can get a supercar that will give cars like Ferrari and the Mclaren a run for their money!

The Bad:

It`s a gas guzzler, at 14mpg its one of the worst performance cars on gas, which means you would be shelling out a lot of cash to use it for everyday use. To add to that it`s not a very comfortable ride, the interior seats are stiff, it doesn`t have a great stereo system and it is damn loud, and then there is the price!

It may be cheap for a supercar, but for the average American $85,000 to $133,000 is beyond their price range.

The Judgment:

For me the Viper is currently out of my price range, and if it ever conceivably isn't, it wouldn`t make sense to purchase it as an everyday car, especially is your a family man as it`s a two seater. The Viper than is a weekend toy for the gentlemen who has that disposable income on hand, and sadly that is perhaps why it is going out of production.

"and while Viper sales have been fairly steady over the past three years, the numbers have not been strong enough to keep the Viper alive and because of that – the modern Viper will be gone after 2017", and so tragically we must bid it adieu. Perhaps if they had kept the entry price as low as the Corvette it would have lived on, but for now the snake is fried.

Dodge Viper Sales 3-Year Update - Torque News

No. I would not buy a Dodge Viper, but I hail and praise all the men and women who do , and pray for its swift return to the market.

Last edited by William_the_Bloody; 07-02-2016 at 10:27 AM.
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