Hey guys, here's some of my artwork, old and new comic book style. I've been working on some ideas again. The black and white stuff is new, but I've been trying to revive the theme of my comics with a few pop inspired chapter pages.

The first chapter and the most substantial, in that I got the most pages finished. It's about Felix and Oscar who hunt monsters, and it's narrated by Huxley. Huxley is lead singer and beatbox.

The second chapter, it's about two homeless cats called Norman and Blind Clive who get in to all kinds of crazy madcap adventures, and its narrated by Sid. Got a couple of pages, lot more ideas in my head. Sid plays saxophone.

The first interlude, kinda 2.5. It goes between Chapters 2 and 3 and introduces Maxwell, an imp that steals from pirates, also he kinda came from the stars.

Chapter 3, my favourite perhaps.

Led Zeppelin inspired for music lovers. But what if the zeppelin had a monster lab inside and a red panda and a sheep that worked there were the cause of the disaster in their escape? Well, that's the idea and the cool thing here is, after looking at the Led Zeppelin album, I actually looked at the wikipedia page of the Hindenburg to get a different, more workable angle of the Hindenburg Zeppelin catastrophe. It's narrated by Goose. Goose plays drums and keyboards.

The second break, or intermission. I like little breaks in the story because it's like when you go to the Cinema and get a snack break or intermission with music. I am really music inspired in my work. This is about an Undead Dog.

The 4th Chapter and basically the conclusion of the first volume. I haven't really got many pages for these new chapters. It's about Creep, an amorpheous blob with an attitude who came from outer space on a meteor, that is desired by the corporation to experiment on and build power armour. His sidekick is Maxwell, and it's narrated by Larry. Larry plays Guitar.
All the artwork I posted belongs to me, Sinan Icoglu. Please don't copy, distribute or use my artwork without my permission. Here's a link to the facebook page with lots more stuff to enjoy. If links aren't allowed I'll remove it.
Rabid Monk-e Productions:
Thanks, enjoy and have a great time!