No its not melodramatic. Not at all. You litterally have no idea how ****ed up of a week I've been through.litterally the worst week of 32 years and Ive been **** on by my job which if I called HR heads would roll from the top down. My half sister died 2 months to the day from dad. But I dont tell you all that I try and talk about something that is distracting enough like politics so Im not a blubbering mess. I have no vacation time because I used it when my other sister and dad passed did they put me in for bereavement pay no. They used my vaction and sick days. So today was the funeral for my half sister and African American communities have long drawn out funerals **** Ive seen em jump in the casket with the body. But my nephew wanted me to see it so he sent me pictures of her in the ****ing coffin.Now my half sister passed away on the 12th ok regardless of my bosses "vacation" and my lack of funds because well 3 funerals in 6 months is exspensive. Regardless I should have not been anywhere near the store. Ok all week because she didnt just die oh no she was on life support since the 20th of may and my black family was tryna get me on facebook but to no avail. Because I deactivated my account. Anyways I had to help my neices and nephews make the discision to pull the plug. And during all this was the whole uncle melvin killt granny saga.what I didnt realize is that uncle melvin was tryna put the kids outta the family ok boss on vacation just me and another manager working doubles.They both knew what was going on with me and why Ive been deeeply depressed, losing weight and kinda dispondant right so when I drove to work today Im getting pictures of her funeral.I walked in distraught. And my assistant sent me home cried with me ...I get home. And this is a copy and paste message that the gm sent me...
"I know it's tough ur n a hard time.... but am I gonna have to cover u or u plan on going back to work later at least around 5? Christina had concert go to tonight"
Are you kidding me? Really? I couldnt go on bereavement leave because you were on vacation ok fine Im ok with going when you get back and I worked dbls all week me and the other manger and not one time did I complain ask to go home not ****. I got the entire back room ready for halloween and did the work of three ppl. My assistant text the gm only to havr her come in for 3 hours so she could get to her ....wait for it wait for it...slayer concert....If I hadnt been a crying mess to mojo on the phone I would have never known Slayer is playing in BRUSSELS tonight. Really thats what you two think of me that you cant let me go on my paid 5 day bereavement leave starting today rather then tomrrow? The last two funerals they aint have a choice to tell me **** like that cause I was already on a plane calling out.
Nobody called to see if I was ok today . Nobody . I drove back to work after I was told no go home I got this...And neither one of those ****s cared. 3 hours puts my boss out that much? And her assistant wasnt going to slayer so thank you Neil for sussing out I was being bull****ted.
I call them if they aint ok, cover them, send flowers, when they go into the hospital, mothers day they get homemade cakes on their birthdays. I stay late come in early.......not a one of my friends irl has called me in at least 4 months to see if I hadn't finally lost it . so yeah Im not being melodramatic. Im being real. I give more of a **** about you guys here, at work, and in my family than any of you give about me. Its ****ing evident.
Edit: even the politics dont distract because you call me mentally ill , drugged out , paranoid and show little to no tolerance for veiws that are not in sync with the majority of the forum. So yeah quite frankly none of you here or irl actually give a ****. Nope its easy to dehumanize me make me the but of your jokes, talk **** about my country, and bash the God I know hasn't abandoned me yet. And when I ask for ****ing compassion Im told were dicks get over it..... No I wont get over it try having a ****ing soul people. Sheeyot.
Originally Posted by GuitarBizarre
Roxy is unable to perpetrate violence. It always somehow turns into BDSM between two consenting adults.
Originally Posted by Frownland
I just want to say your tits are lovely.
Originally Posted by grindy
Roxy is the William S. Burroughs of our time.
Originally Posted by Neapolitan
I like Roxy, she's awesome and her taste in music far exceeds yours. Roxy is in the Major League bro, and you're like a sad clown in a two bit rodeo.
Last edited by RoxyRollah; 06-18-2016 at 10:01 PM.