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Old 06-09-2016, 02:16 PM   #1 (permalink)
Jacob Sartorius
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Default Wrestling review thread

I'm a huge pro wrestling fan. So I'm going to post reviews of wrestling matches on here.

First review: Ricochet vs. Will Ospreay at Best Of The Super Juniors in NJPW

I absolutely loved this match. Start to finish. It was a acrobatic perfection. People were complaining that this match didn't tell a story. Except, considering the fact that this was a tournament, there was no story leading up to the match. But the match did create a story. A story of two men fighting for supremacy, fighting to be called the best of the super juniors.

Nitpick about the match. Not enough selling. The two guys in the match had a tendency to no sell some moves that only five years ago were used as a finisher. So that I found annoying. Ospreay during the match kept giving the camera weird facial expressions that got really annoying after a bit.
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