Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: Frownland
Posts: 8,831
As I slid through the sweaty, half naked human bodies that filled this room, I felt a certain unease in the pit of my stomach. It wasn't simply the nausea caused by a combination of the smell and flashing lights, it was also the fact that this was the first time I was left in the open with actual people who would interact with me. The small man from earlier refused to acknowledge my presence outside of giving me the headphones, and I had a plastic box separating me from that last collection of weirdos. Something else that was different this time, was the music, which boomed from overhead thanks to some sort of PA speaker situated on the ceiling.
God, was this stuff abrasive or what? I could partially ignore it at this point, because my senses had all been overcome by my overwhelming hunger and urge to find a soft, comfortable bed to fall asleep in. As I continued to make my way through the gyrating teenage crowd, I began screaming my questions as loudly as possible.
"I just need to know how to get out of here!" I yelled.
They all heard me, that I could tell for sure, just by looking at the way they returned my glances. They were so occupied with their aggressive body movements however, that they neglected to answer what it was I was asking them.
I did anything and everything I could to try for help. I grabbed shoulders, tapped on backs, pulled on arms, whatever it took to get the attention of those around me, and yet regardless of the steps I followed, they all just watched me suffer. That is, until I finally found a younger girl sitting down near one of the walls.
"Can you help me?" I shouted as loudly as I could, still being drowned out by the music.
She came closer.
"Pardon?" she asked.
I was so happy to have someone acknowledge me that I almost forgot to repeat myself. I stood silently for a minute, no longer hearing the music, no longer sensing the hundreds of drugged out partiers that were surrounding me, until I finally managed to muster a response.
"I said, can you help me?" I spat out.
"Sure, what can I do for ya?" the girl replied, rather nonchalantly.
I paused for a moment, I needed to evaluate my situation. She could be in on this, couldn't she? Why would there be a random girl just sitting in this room? Then again, I've endured some incredibly odd situations in here, wherever here is, so it's a risk I might just be willing to take. You know what, screw it, I'm going all out, I decided.
"Get me out of here please."
"Sir, if you want to leave, all you need to do is go."
I stood, dumbfounded by what I had just heard. All I need to do is go? What was this kid talking about. I've been trying to leave for what must have been a few hours now, and every single time I enter a new room, it's just more of the same, yet somehow worse. It's like a maze that never ends, and is here for the sole purpose of slapping me in the face with abnormal music at every corner.
"What do you mean? I've been trying to leave for the past couple of hours now, and it hasn't worked very well for me yet."
She gave me an almost puzzled look, as if she didn't believe that I had been frantically looking for an exit for that long. What was a girl her age doing in here anyway?
"If that's the case, than you aren't trying hard enough to leave. You need to want it, otherwise you'll be here forever."
What was she on about? Should I just start looking for a door again and hope that I'm almost done with this stuff. Clearly she's in on this thing, either that or she just has no clue what she's talking about. This must be some science experiment that I signed up for, maybe I just forgot about it or something...
She continued speaking to me.
"I'm serious, concentrate. Close your eyes, and imagine yourself elsewhere, convince your brain that you aren't here, it really does work."
So I did it. I'm not quite sure what possessed me to follow these bizarre instructions, but I did it. Just like that, the music disappeared, as did the collage of nasty smells, and as I reopened my eyes, there I was, sitting on the floor of my apartment in nothing but a pair of my underwear, wondering exactly what had just transpired and how it was I had gotten here.