Originally Posted by djchameleon
I honestly don't get why people feel the need to invalid other's experiences. If someone says they felt a situation was racist then it isn't your place to say no it wasn't or bring up any other argument. That is how they felt at the time so let them feel that way.
It is the same thing with the super anti pc crowd that feels like they need to force themselves upon people that feel offended over a certain situation.
Grow the **** up and let people be.
If someone was offended by something who the **** are you to say they shouldn't feel offended by something that they are personally experiencing? Self centered pricks.
If you misinterpreted a situation and thought it was racist, even though it really wasn't, then you're wrong, and your experience
is invalid. If you're too much of a baby to be able to deal with reality then you're probably the one who's being self-centered.