Originally Posted by PunkBunny
You know, I guess really I'm confused because I'm so caught up in the Hardcore and Emocore scene, which just like post-punk, had been heavily influenced by classic punk rock. But nonetheless I grew up with bands like Green Day, Anti-Flag, and AFI which are baseline punk rock and they all definitely emulated the styles that the Ramones formed along with Black flag and Misfits and etc. The Ramones I guess tried to be unique though with a more poppy kind of punk and BOOM post-punk was born and then shat upon by countless of bands which added bull**** like glam and funk into the mix which really threw everything out of proportions.
But thank you for that presentation though, that was actually very helpful. It all makes vivid sense now.
Roxy Music was a pretty big influence on punk, so go easy on calling glam bull****.