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Old 05-26-2016, 06:48 AM   #37071 (permalink)
Just Keep Swimming...
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
God damn it. Apparently my mom decided to wash some of my clothes today, but she neglected to check the pockets of a pair of pants that had a mostly empty pack of cigarettes. So a few minutes ago I went to the laundry room to wash my work uniform, only to discover the "clean" load of clothes, and that the inside of the machine was covered in a bunch of tobacco shavings and bits of filter.

Annoying, but now the washing machine smells like cigarettes. I cleaned the machine and started a new cycle to hopefully get the smell out of the machine and my clothes, but that smell is like a fungus. I'm dreading that it's going to take at least several cycles for machine to smell decent again, and in the meantime I've got a dirty uniform sitting in the laundry room.

All of that is a minor hassle, but what is really bugging me is that I know if the washing machine still smells like cigarettes by the next time she tries to use it she's going to blame me. No question. Regardless of the fact that it was her fault. It's always bugged her that I smoke so in her mind this is just going to be one more thing to bitch about, and I'm going to have to have some dumb argument over it.

Oh my god I need my own place.
A. How To Clean a Washing Machine Naturally

...and number 2, they grow up so slow.
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