Originally Posted by Qwertyy
$20 and I'll do it for you.
You'll have your $20.
Originally Posted by pansy gayboy 69
fran you're a cutie
i've been to italy btw
florence, milan, rome and venice. florence was my favourite. we stayed at the st regis it was beautiful.
honestly its the only european country i've been to where i absolutely 100% had a great time every single day there. the people are so loud. i love it.
the food was amazing as well.
Florence and Rome are two beautiful cities. I've never been to Venice, but everyone says that it is a beautiful city. Many Milan's citizens have something against Southern Italians, so I have something against Milan's citizens too. They are unpleasant. Here at the South we are more expansive, more exuberant. And there are a lot of beautiful places.
And I agree with you about the food!
Originally Posted by Chula Vista
We can still flirt like crazy mia bella donna.
One of my favorite quotes:
"Just because I'm on a diet doesn't mean I can't drool over the menu." 
"Mia bella donna": you conquered me!