Originally Posted by eric generic
I miss whimsical, bombastic, electronic Radiohead. In Rainbows was the end of their prime IMO.
The new album is nice and all, but I'm always obsessed with rhythmic, engaging, dance-able stuff. (IE: two of my favorite albums of recent history are Syro and AMOK).
Is the In Rainbows era around when you started listening to them? I can see appreciating it more if that's where I started. I do like In Rainbows (as well as the albums you mentioned), but I reach for Radiohead for a different reason. I started with OK Computer and shortly after Kid A, so I ended up appreciating how good they were at exploring different sounds and atmospheres. They can write a memorable song out of things that individually would barely be considered music. I feel like A Moon Shaped Pool is a return to that.