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Old 01-08-2006, 01:53 PM   #171 (permalink)
accidental genius
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Boston, MA
Posts: 1,161

1. How did you come across MusicBanter? I did a google search for "music forums" or something of that sort. I got sick of getting bashed on PAhardcore for onnnllly having .. 4,600+ posts.

2. What section is most interesting to you? (e.g. Rap/Hip-Hop, Rock, etc.) "New posts" is my best friend. I never know what forum I'm posting in.

3. How often do you visit here? I binge. Sometimes I'll go on MB every 10 minutes, sometimes I'll go on MB every few weeks. Depends how bored I am.

4. What's your current age?
Fifteeeeeen years young.

5. Male or female?

6. Give us some random fact about yourself. I don't like people. At all. I'm sure none of you knew that..
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