Originally Posted by TrickTheTeeVee
On the majority I have to agree with Roxy here, but part of my mind can't help but hear Socrates on this one. For example: if my grandma was murdered in the hospital by some crazy stalker and the administrators say "sorry, we have no idea who went back there" I would go berzerk. But if I want the laws to work in my favor I need to also submit to them on the other side. I hate the "if you are doing nothing wrong, then why does it matter" argument but there is a slight pang or reality in that statement. The state of travel in our modern era affords us access to live in myriad countries with myriad living standards and laws. So why not shop for the place that suits your mindset?
That being said, It's pretty f***ed that the "Free" world has come to that standard of living. Trust and honor have long since died, if they ever really existed in the first place.
No, this is not right, people. Not right. Because it's another form of tagging and tracking people, like cattle. I will not be arrested or tasered if I choose to push past the man in the hat to get to my loved one. Sit and spin Sarasota Memorial. Oh yeah and the best part is, they sent my loved one home with a band aide and Tylenol when they had a massive INFECTION IN THEIR KNEE... Like enough for the doctor that did the surgery to call and rip them a new one.