What's up everyone?
Just discovered this place not a half hour ago... I belong to another forum (gaming-related), and I find myself frequenting the music section of said forum quite often, so I ventured out into the wilderness (i.e., the internet) to hunt down a nice music forum, and here I am. The other aforementioned forum runs on the same software as musicbanter (vBulletin?), so I'm already very familiar with the layout here

But anyways, my name is Lucas. I'm a 19 year old college student majoring in computer science. Boring right? Music plays a huge part in my life. I'm listening to music almost all the time. I write lyrics from time to time, but not much else beyond that. I used to play guitar many many years ago, but dropped it after a short while. This summer I plan to get back into it and learn everything from scratch again.
As far as my music tastes? My favorite genres of music are thrash metal and groove metal. But I'm not averse to other metal genres, and I enjoy hard rock and grunge just as much. I used to listen almost exclusively to rap about 2 years ago, until I heard Alice in Chains' "Them Bones" on the radio, and was very intrigued by how well I related to the lyrics. So I looked it up when I got home that day, and discovered
Dirt, which is my favorite album of all time. From there, I discovered all the other AIC albums. From there, I discovered Nirvana and Soundgarden, and then Metallica and the rest of The Big 4, and everything else from there.
My favorite bands, in order?
1. Alice in Chains
2. Black Sabbath
3. Pantera
4. Metallica
5. Lamb of God
If you asked me again in 10 minutes, I might give you a different list (it's so hard to pick favorites!). I'd probably put Ghost at #6, they are an incredible band. Slipknot, Machine Head, and Corrosion of Conformity are some of my other favorites. All great writers and talented musicians.
But I've rambled on long enough. Can't guarantee I'll stick around or be particularly active, but I'm gonna peek around the forums now and see what's going on.