Originally Posted by Ninetales
it's been crazy here too. its been consistently above 0 for the past month - some t shirt weather days, which is unheard of for February. One golf course opened up yesterday already. it's absurd. im hoping I can still go to the rink a few more times before everything melts but idk it may already be at that point.
Unlucky mate, aren't you from Canada?
Originally Posted by Qwertyy
You guys are lucky, it's been absolutely disgusting on the opposite coast. We've been hit with more snow this month than we saw in total from November to January.
Na, I enjoy a good winter and I think a lot of people here do. I still get excited when it starts to snow and it sticks. I don't want so much that commuting and getting about becomes troublesome (to be fair this is always a bit of an issue in the UK if even 1 inch of snow sticks) but enough so that you can enjoy the season and it actually feels like winter. I like dressing for the cold and being outdoors in it, and how much better everything looks when it's snowed.