Definitely more boring. The dude is not only a ****ing riot, but he's an awesome forum muse. He inspires comedic gold from lots of members in their comebacks to his posts.
Plus every now and then he decides to get serious and ends up blowing my mind with his sincere perspectives on substantial subjects.
And the dude can take and give a joke better than just about anyone I've ever met in the e-world.
I'm starting a page so we can all pitch in and buy him the best "Forum Booze Filter" gizmo we can find. Either that or I'm gonna start rationing my Zoloft and sending some to him so he can take the edge off when needed.
Looking forward to the return of the tanned, somewhat lethargic, more overweight than usual, and totally chilled from a couple of weeks of vacation 'BAT'.
“The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well,
on the surface of a gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away
and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be.”