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Old 02-09-2016, 07:32 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Goofle View Post
I'm more interested in the wider spread lack of discussion when it comes to men's issues. I mean, this is a meeting for men who want to learn how to sleep with women. The fact that thousands of men feel the need to go to seminars put on by a guy like Roosh highlights the fact that maybe there's some problem with gender relations at this point in time.

The hysterical reaction also highlights that some people have such a low view of men that they believe a group of men would actually want to legalise rape, which is seriously worrying. Or that there are people who are invested in intentionally stirring this up to serve their own agenda, knowing the facts and blindly ignoring them.

Also I thought the video was funny.
So how about actually adressing those men's issues instead of being all up in trolling and pick up? Campaign against circumcision, for fairer custody rulings, against stupid quotas. You'd have my respect and recognition. But don't repeat the mistakes of the feminists you hate so much by simply whining about how you are such an oppressed minority and don't get what you rightfully deserve. (By "you" I obviously don't mean you personally, just some hypothetic MRA.)

There sure are some big problems with gender relations, but I seriously doubt people who go to those seminars are particularly worried about them.
They just want to manipulate women into having sex with them.

Well, ****ed up views on rape are quite widespread. Arguments in the vein of "Why did she put on such a short skirt if she didn't want to get raped?" are very, very common. Sure it's still a stretch towards campaigning to legalize rape, but not as big a stretch as one might think.
And sure there are those people with their agenda. As I said, not a fan of all the hysteric feminism at all. Still doesn't make me have any sympathy for any side in this silly argument.
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