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Old 02-06-2016, 12:35 PM   #105 (permalink)
the worst guy
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Originally Posted by GuitarBizarre View Post
Look at black culture. When people talk about black-on-black violence in gang culture in the USA, the call goes out to "Leading Black Figures" to decry the actions. Look at religious violence. It's never good enough that muslims, jewish people, sikhs, etc, decry and speak out against acts of violence comitted by extremists under the guise of religious fervor - there's always a media presence asking the larger denominations of those groups to speak out against it and do something.

The unspoken rule in those situations is "Black people, this is your problem, fix it" or "Muslims, this is your doing, stop them".

Contrast the KKK - they're the western white christian equivalent to organisations like ISIS or Al Qaeda - They exist to promote a highly problematic, violent agenda against groups they don't like. Substitute "The west" or "America" with "Black people and gays" and you pretty much get the idea of how similar their views are to those of ISIS etc.

When the KKK do something, they're shunned - for being the KKK. There are no calls for "White community figures" to speak out about the growing problem of "white gang culture".

And that's entirely the issue. That's white priveledge. Having an advantage or lack of concern that's so completely entrenched in the way society works that it actually takes a bit of thinking in order to EVEN REALISE IT MIGHT BE WRONG.
The reason you won't see too many white people saying "black on black crime is a serious issue that we need to solve" is because they fear that they will be called a racist. Because, as you know, it's *insert following tumblerisms* holding them down and also white policemen kill black people sometimes. And when I see black people saying "black on black crime is a problem" they are accused of being an 'oreo', 'porch monkey' etc.

And we all know white people are told they can't even speak on some issues, so why on earth would you expect a white person to come out and point out how ridiculous the black crime rate is? I mean, just today on a video I saw a white teacher being "schooled" on racism by one of his pupils, despite her literally using a made up definition of the word racism.

Also, the KKK. You brought up the KKK... and used it as an equivalence to ISIS and Al-Queida? In 2015/16 Yeah, seems like a fair comparison.

You're too intelligent for this stuff GB, far too intelligent.

Originally Posted by Chula Vista View Post
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2. What was the strangest/best/worst party you ever went to?
Prolly a party I had with some people I know
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