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Old 01-30-2016, 01:56 AM   #27 (permalink)
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Human Nature Part 4: Physical Inequality

So upon review, genetically we seem to be a mix bag of good and bad, as tribal societies have shown though, we definitely have the ability to function as a communal society, which could be our ancient precursor to a welfare state?

Are we however equal?

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if two guys are stranded on a island indefinitely, with one hot blonde, that there is going to be some form of mating competition at some point, and that the guy who is 6'5 and 250lbs is going to have physical advantage over the other guy who is 5'8 and 160lbs.
(assuming they're not up for sharing)

This of course is an extremely hypothetical scenario, so the question is, does physical inequality play a factor in the real world? The answer is that it very much looks that way.

There have been various scientific studies debating the existence of a human alpha male, and although there is a large shadow of doubt looming over the scientific community on this topic, there are various features that appear to contribute to male success and dominance, and one of these is height.

Several studies on male height have been tied to the income one earns.

There have been a few in particular that have looked at the top CEO's of countries and have found that they all tend to be on average 6'0 or taller, a couple of inches above the average male height

I polled about half of the companies on the Fortune 500 list–the largest corporations in the United States...that on average CEOs were just a shade under six feet. Given that the average American male is 5’9″ that means that CEOs, as a group, have about three inches on the rest of their sex...In the U.S. population, about 14.5 percent of all men are six feet or over. Among CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, that number is 58 percent. Even more strikingly, in the general American population, 3.9 percent of adult men are 6’2″ or taller. Among my CEO sample, 30 percent were 6’2″ or taller.

Given that the average American male is 5'9″ that means that CEOs, as a group, have about three inches on the rest of their sex. But this statistic actually understates matters. In the U.S. population, about 14.5 percent of all men are six feet or over. Among CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, that number is 58 percent.

Why Do We Love Tall Men?

Different social groups can show different mean height. According to a study in France, executives and professionals are 2.6 cm (1 in) taller, and university students are 2.55 cm (1 in) taller[57] than the national average

Another study found that height in general effects how much a male earns on average.

The latest study, in Australia, found that being 6-foot tall brings raises annual income nearly $1,000 compared to men two inches shorter.

Our estimates suggest that if the average man of about 178 centimeters [5 feet 10 inches] gains an additional five centimeters [2 inches] in height, he would be able to earn an extra $950 per year - which is approximately equal to the wage gain from one extra year of labor market experience," said study co-author Andrew Leigh, an economist at the Australian National University.
Other studies in the United States and Britain put the extra earnings at nearly that much per inch.

"The truth is, tall people do make more money. They make $789 more per inch per year," says Arianne Cohen, author of "The Tall Book" (Bloomsbury USA, June, 2009).

it is however not just height that contributes to financial success, but good looks as well.

The age-old phrase "beauty is only skin deep" may not hold true in terms of your wages—and other benefits for your wallet. A number of studies examining the relationship between beauty and money show that more attractive people not only earn higher incomes, they also work more productively and profitably for their companies, obtain more loan approvals, and negotiate loans with better terms than their less-attractive counterparts.

Why It Pays to Be Attractive - US News

which imply that more attractive people are, on average, wealthier and have higher-paying jobs (if your company buys you a F/B class ticket when you travel for work, chances are you have a high-paying job) than less attractive people. This happens to be a well-known fact that has been reported by dozens of studies done by economists and psychologists. Many of these studies are summarized and discussed in the 2011 book Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People Are More Successful, written by Daniel Hamermesh, an economist at the University of Texas in Austin.

Want to Be CEO? Stand Tall. - At Work - WSJ

Quick edit (this one was somewhat rushed) a study as shown, the the issue of attractiveness seems to be cross cultural...

Charles Feng, a human biologist at Stanford University wrote in an article in the [external link] Journal of Young Investigators, that the explanation for humans' preference for physically attractive people is symmetry...This study was replicated in other cultures in Asia and South America with the same results. Feng goes to argue, based on research, that in our society, attractive people tend to be more intelligent, better adjusted, more popular and have more occupational success.

On height

The average height of CEOs of large corporations in North America is 6'2". Nowhere is the correlation between height and career success been more striking than in politics, particularly the U.S. Presidency. Of the 43 American presidents, only five have been below average height, with the last (Benjamin Harrison) in 1888. Most presidents have been above average height

So there you have it, if your tall and good looking, you have a competitive advantage in life. Thankfully yours truly falls into this category, but I'm far from rich, and some of my best friends that stand well above 6'4 aren't doing to savy in the career department, and I know a lot of short wealthy people who have more money than I will ever see.

So there are obvious many factors that go into ones success in life, much of which is driven by environmental factors, however...

It would appear physical inequality gives some men & women, a heightened advantage over others. (Don't shoot the messenger)

Last edited by William_the_Bloody; 01-30-2016 at 09:24 PM.
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